
четверг, 27 декабря 2018 г.


1. Post-graduate education in Russia and abroad
2. Global problems of terrorism
3. Elections in Russia 2018. Speak about all candidates and their election programs
4. Enviromental protection
5. Advantages and disadvantages of Internet in our life
6. Dagestan is a multinational republic

воскресенье, 16 декабря 2018 г.


1. The book I've recently read
2. The city of my dream
3. Sport in our life
4. Choosing a career
5. The film I've recently watched
6. London
7. My meals
8. Moscow
9. Illnesses  and their teatment


1. My best friend
2. My city.
3. My university
4. My working day
5. The book I've recently read
6. My English lesson
7. My meals
8. About myself
9. My family
10. My flat

воскресенье, 18 ноября 2018 г.


1.The capital of the UK is
a)London c)Cardiff
b)Manchester d)New-York

2. It is a place where the queen lives when she is in London.
a)the Tower of London c)Buckingham Palace
b)Westminster Abbey d)the Houses of Parliament

3. It is a famous bridge across the Thames.
a)Tower Bridge c)Westminster Bridge
b)London Bridge

4. It is the central square of London.
a) Piccadilly c)Trafalgar Square
b)Strand d)Leicester Square

5. You can see it from the river Thames. It is very old. It was a fortress, a prison, a palace and now it is a museum.
a)The Tower of London c)Buckingham Palace
b)Westminster Abbey d)the Houses of Parliament

6. It is a symbol of England. The coronation of all British kings and queens took place there. A lot of famous people are buried t
a)The Tower of London c)Buckingham Palace
b)Westminster Abbey d)the Houses of Parliament

7. It is a place where the British Government sits
a)The Tower of London c)Buckingham Palace
b)Westminster Abbey d)the Houses of Parliament

8.It is the biggest church in London.
a)the Tower of London c)St. Paul’s Cathedral
b)Westminster Abbey d)Big Ben

9.It is the most famous park in London.
a)Hyde Park c)Regent’s Park
b)St.James’s Park d)Green Park

10.It is the river where London stands
a)Avon c)Thames
b)Clyde d)Volga

11.It is the museum where you can see waxworks
a)MOMI c)Madam Tussaud”s
b)Natural History Museum d)Tate Gallery


The Tower of London

The Tower of London is one of the main London's places of interest. It is located on the north bank of the River Thames and is one of the oldest buildings.

At different times the Tower was used as a royal residence, fortress, prison, mint and, even, zoo. Today the Tower of London is the place where the Crown Jewels are kept.

Every day its doors are open for tourists. A few black ravens live on its territory. The walls of the Tower are still guarded by palace guard in historical outfits.

Trafalgar Square

  Trafalgar Square is located in the centre of London. It was named after the victory in the Battle of Trafalgar. In the centre of the square there is Nelson's column with four lions at the bottom of it.

There are beautiful fountains in the square. Some famous buildings, such as the National Gallery, St. Martin-in-the-fields and Admiralty Arch, are also located there.

The square is the place where a lot of different events and celebrations are held.

Hyde Park

  Hyde Park is a big park located in central London. Today it is a popular place for meetings, celebrations and festivals.

The park is known for its artificial lake Serpentine where it is allowed to swim. There is a gallery, a museum and several sculptures on the territory of Hyde Park.

During the Olympic Games 2012 Hyde Park was the place where some competitions were held.

St. Paul's Cathedral

  St. Paul's Cathedral is located at the highest point of the City of London, Ludgate Hill. The Cathedral was seriously damaged during the Great Fire of London. It was redesigned by Christopher Wren, a famous architect.

There are three Galleries and 17 bells in the Cathedral. The largest bell is called Great Paul. The funerals of a lot of notable figures have occured at the cathedral.

The British Museum

  The British Museum is one of the largest museums in the world. It was founded in the XVIII century and in the XIX century it was already divided into different departments.

The museum houses large collections of artefacts representing different cultures of the world, both ancient and modern.

So, there is the Department of coins and medals, the Department of prints and drawings, the Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan and many others.

The London Eye

  The London Eye is one the largest Ferris wheels in Europe. Unforgettable views of the city open from its height of 135 metres.

The wheel consists of 32 air-conditioned capsules which symbolize 32 boroughs of London. The London Eye rotates with the speed of 0,9 km/hour. The ride takes 30 minutes. The wheel looks like a big bicycle wheel.

Oxford Street

  Oxford Street is a lively shopping street located in the centre of London. There are hundreds of shops in this street. The street is 1,9 km long. It is one of the busiest commercial streets in Europe.

During Christmas time Oxford Street is decorated with lots of lights and garlands making it one of the most popular destinations for tourists.


  Westminster is a historical area of central London with several famous landmarks.

Westminster Abbey, a Gothic church, is located there. The church is a traditional place of coronation and burial site for all British kings and queens.

Not far from the church there is the Palace of Westminster which is the meeting place of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

Big Ben

Big Ben is the name of the Great bell of the clock at the Palace of Westminster. Nowadays this name mostly refers to the clock and the clock tower.

In 2012 the tower was renamed to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of the Queen and is now officially known as the Elizabeth Tower.

The height of the tower is 96,3 metres. Big Ben is one of the most prominent symbols of the United Kingdom.

среда, 14 ноября 2018 г.

PRESS: Snapchat Dysmorphia

Cosmetic surgeons in the USA are reporting a disturbing increase in the number of patients seeking and having facial procedures to look like their Snapchat selfies. The surgeons have termed this alarming new trend "Snapchat dysmorphia". This term derives from the condition body dysmorphic disorder - a mental disorder where the sufferer is obsessed with the idea that part of their body or appearance is severely flawed and in need of drastic measures to fix it. The surgeons described the condition in the journal Facial Plastic Surgery. They wrote that 55 per cent of plastic surgeons reported an increase in the number of patients wanting alterations to their face to look like they do after using Snapchat filters.
Snapchat and other social media apps provide filters to allow people to "enhance" photos of their face to look "cuter". The professors say this is fuelling an obsession among younger people, especially teenage girls and women, with the "perfect" face. Doctors say many of the requests are physically impossible to perform surgically. They wrote: "This is an alarming trend because those filtered selfies often present an unattainable look and are blurring the line of reality and fantasy for these patients." They added: "The pervasiveness of these filtered images can take a toll on one's self-esteem." The most common procedures being requested include thinner noses, wider eyes and fuller lips.

 1. BANNED: Students A strongly believe plastic surgery should be banned; Students B strongly believe otherwise.

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article.

  1. disturbing
  2. procedures
  3. termed
  4. flawed
  5. alterations
  6. fuelling
  7. perform
  8. unattainable
  9. pervasiveness
  10. self-esteem
  1. carry out
  2. imperfect
  3. prevalence
  4. changes
  5. operations
  6. impossible
  7. worrying
  8. confidence
  9. called
  10. feeding
 3. PLASTIC SURGERY: Is it OK for these people to have plastic surgery? Why/Why not?Complete this table with your partner(s). Change partners often and share what you wrote.

Is it OK?
Why (not)?
with Snapchat dysmorphia
with birth defects
with scars
who had traffic accidents
who need a new identity
who are rich  

воскресенье, 11 ноября 2018 г.



  Transcribe the following words:

Блюдо dish
Вегетарианское блюдо vegetarian dish
Горячее блюдо hot dish
Мясное блюдо meat dish
Национальное блюдо National dish
Овощное блюдо vegetable dish
Рыбное блюдо fish dish
Сладкое блюдо sweet dish
Холодное блюдо cold dish
Фирменное блюдо special dish
На первое for the first course
На второе for the second course
На десерт for dessert
Прибор a set of cutlery
Бокал   / Рюмка wineglass
Бутылка bottle
Вилка fork
Нож knife
Тарелка plate
Заказ order
Заказывать to order
Закуски snacks
Большая кружка пива pint mug (of beer)
Маленькая кружка пива half-pint mug (of beer)
Кувшин вина Jug of wine
Официант(ка) waiter (waitress)
Порция portion
Салфетка napkin
Свободный (столик) vacant , not reserved (table)
Сдача change
Стакан glass
Стойка counter
Счет bill
Меню menu
Булочка bun, roll
Гамбургер hamburger
Бутерброд sandwich
Ветчина ham
Гарнир из овощей vegetables
Горчица mustard
Соль salt
Капуста cabbage
Кислая капуста sauerkraut
Жареный картофель fried potatoes, chips
Вареный картофель boiled potatoes
Маслины olives
Пюре mashed potatoes
Колбаса sausage
Котлета cutlet
Мясо meat
Подливка gravy
Ростбиф roast-beef
Салат salad
Суп soup
Сосиска в тесте hot dog
Спагетти spaghetti
макароны pasta
Сыр cheese
Тосты toasts
Белый/черный хлеб white/brown bread
Кусок хлеба a slice of bread
Яичница fried eggs
омлет, яичница-болтунья scrambled eggs
Вареное яйцо boiled eggs
Десерт Dessert
Конфеты sweets
Мороженое ice-cream
Печенье biscuits
Пирог (с яблоками) (apple) pie
Пирожное cake
Пудинг pudding
Фруктовый салат fruit salad
Напитки beverages
Горячие напитки hot drinks
Какао cocoa
Кофе (с молоком) / черный white coffee / black coffee
Кофе с мороженым coffee with ice-cream topping
Кофе с лимоном coffee with lemon
Кофе по-турецки Tur kish coffee
Чай (крепкий) (strong) tea
Шоколад hot chocolate
Прохладительные напитки soft drinks
Вода (со льдом) water (with ice)
Лимонад lemonade
Кока-кола, пепси-кола Coke, Pepsi
Молоко milk
Молочный коктейль milk-shake
Сок juice
Апельсиновый сок orange juice
Виноградный  сок grape juice
Грейпфрутовый сок grapefruit juice
Лимонный сок lemon juice
Томатный сок tomato juice
Яблочный сок apple juice, cider
Тоник tonic
Спиртные (крепкие) напитки alcoholic (hot) drinks
Вино wine
Десертное sweet wine
Полусухое semi-dry wine
Сухое dry wine
Виски whisky
Коктейль cocktail
Коньяк (бренди) cognac
Ликер liquor
Пиво (бутылка пива, банка пива) beer (bottle of beer, can of beer)
Портвейн port(wine)
Портер stout
Сидр cider
Херес sherry
Шампанское champagne

вторник, 6 ноября 2018 г.


France bans smartphones in schools  

France has voted to ban smartphones and personal tablets from schools. Lawmakers voted overwhelmingly by 62-1 on Monday to prohibit students aged between 3 and 15 from even bringing their devices to school. The ban is part of a campaign to reduce addiction to electronics. It fulfills a campaign promise made by French President Emmanuel Macron in 2017. French Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer also campaigned for the ban saying devices were harmful to children's development. He called mobile devices a public health crisis and said the law protects children from the "phenomenon of screen addiction and the phenomenon of bad mobile phone use."

The new ban extends a previous law made in 2010 that meant students could not use their devices in lessons. There are exceptions to the ban for students with disabilities and for using devices in the classroom for extra-curricular activities. Many lawmakers do not believe the ban is enough to bring about change. They believe the ban is little more than a publicity stunt. Application of the ban to students aged 15 and older will depend on the policy of individual schools. Experts have found that the increased use of mobile devices causes cyber-addiction, sleep disruption and bullying. Opponents of the ban say it is a backward step and will not lead to an increase in learning. 

 SCHOOL BANS: Should these things be banned in schools? Why/Why not? Complete this table .

Why not?
Mobile phones
Dyed hair
Red ink

SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article.

  1. ban
  2. reduce
  3. promise
  4. harmful
  5. protects
  6. extends
  7. exceptions
  8. enough
  9. individual
  10. backward
  1. special cases
  2. damaging
  3. widens
  4. separate
  5. lower
  6. sufficient
  7. prohibit
  8. safeguards
  9. retrograde
  10. vow 

Academic writing

What are the pros and cons of smartphones in schools? Would you allow them?

понедельник, 5 ноября 2018 г.

Неопределенные местоимения some\any

Упражнение 1
Вставьте some, any, no или оставьте пропуски незаполненными, смотря по смыслу.
1.There are ... buses today and I can't go shopping. 2. There is ... caviar in the can. I love it. Would you like ...? 3. Please don't offer her ... chips. She doesn't want ... . 4. Can I have ... milk in my tea? I don't like it black. 5. There is ... ink in my pen. 6. Is there ... snow in the street this morning? 7. My mother likes ... music. 8. Are there ... chess players here? 9. There are ... diagrams in the new book. 10. Are there ... newspapers on the table?

Упражнение 2
Вставьте something, anything, nothing или everything.
1. My husband taught his son ... he knows. 2. Her patient has a bad memory. She can't remember ... . 3. I think there is ... wrong with my watch. 4. We've got ... to eat. We've got only ... to drink. 5. The students didn't understand ... because she heard ... . 6. Does he know ... about computers? - Yes, he knows ... because he is the best specialist in computer centre at Harvard University. 7. He felt terrible. He couldn't do ... else. 8. ... is all right, the patient is much better today. 9. Is there ... interesting in the programme of the concert? 10. I could see ...: it was quite dark

Упражнение 3
Вставьте something, anything, nothing или everything.
1. She has to go to the supermarket. There isn't ... in the fridge. 2. I've had a terrible day. ... went wrong. 3. The young man is very upset. There is ... wrong with his car. 4. His grandparents like doing ...: cooking, playing board games, going to museums, visiting their friends. 5. She never says ... nice about her neighbours. 6. What do you want to drink? - ... . I'm not thirsty. 7. Nobody told me ... about his lung cancer. I could do ... to save his life. 8. Give me ... to read, please. - With pleasure. 9. I don't know ... about your town. Tell me ... about it. 10. Please give me ... warm: it is cold here

вторник, 23 октября 2018 г.


Модальный глагол ‘Can’
способность сделать что-то в настоящем времени (форма для замены  — ‘to be able to’)
I can speak French.
разрешение сделать что-то в настоящем времени (форма для замены – ‘to be allowed to’)
Can I go to the theatre?
Can you wait a minute, please?
I can give you my phone for tomorrow.
Can we visit our relatives at the weekend?
It can get really cold in Alaska.
Модальный глагол ‘Could’
способность сделать что-то в прошедшем времени (форма для замены ‘to be able to’)
I could speak French.
разрешение сделать что-то в прошедшем времени (форма для замены ‘to be allowed to’)
I could go to the theatre.
вежливый вопрос
Could he go to the theatre, please?
вежливая просьба
Could you wait a minute, please?
вежливое предложение
I could give you my phone for tomorrow.
вежливое предложение
Could we visit our relatives at the weekend?
It could get very cold in Alaska.
Модальный глагол ‘May’
It may snow today.
разрешение сделать что-то в настоящем времени (форма для замены ‘to be allowed to’)
May Christina go to the cinema?
вежливое предложение
May I help you?
Модальный глагол ‘might’
возможность (менее возможно, чем при форме с ‘may’)
It might snow today.
нерешительное предложение
Might it help you?
Модальный глагол ‘must’
принуждение, необходимость
I must go to the bank today.
He must be really tired.
совет, рекомендация
You must see the new film by Tim Burton.
Глаголы ‘must not/may not’
You must not (may not) play on dad’s computer.
 Глагол ‘need not’
для передачи значения «необязательно»
He needn’t to go there, his mother will.